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Reiki, Healing for Body, Mind & Spirit


Insight Services  provides a variety of techniques that promote Intuitive self awareness, self healing and self understanding.  We believe that everyone can create balance and harmony in their life, and realize their full potential.  Our intention is to strengthen each client's intuitive abilities, allowing for each person, in their own timing, to learn effective ways to transform the self.

Typical sessions combine Reiki and Inhale Light techniques allowing the client to:


Examine and discuss current life issues


Identify emotions, beliefs and physical pain associated with the current issue


Discover how current issues link to past unresolved  experiences


Release negative self-beliefs and unresolved emotions from the past


Usui Reiki, Karuna Reiki and Inhale Light techniques utilized


Restore themselves, creating a stronger connection to their true, loving, intuitive selves.

Clients are recommended to commit to having six to twelve sessions at whatever interval fits their needs.  Each session builds on previous ones and gradually each client learns how to do this work on their own. 

To schedule a Session or for more information
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