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Reiki, Healing for Body, Mind & Spirit



Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Are there practical steps I need to take to prepare for the Invocations of Grace session?

Be prepared to set aside the scheduled time to participate in the conference call, free of distractions or interruptions. Sit in a comfortable chair, have water available nearby to drink and preferably, set up your phone to either accommodate a headset or the speaker.

Is there anything special I need to think about before the Invocations of Grace session?

It may be helpful to think about an area in your life or in your body that needs balance or support. This could be an issue that is presenting itself to you, a physical complaint or an emotional state that you need transformed. Enter the session with the intention to transform this area in whatever way is beneficial at this time.

Are there any suggestions you might have to help me stay present throughout the entire Invocations of Grace session?

It is not unusual to feel like you are drifting in and out periodically throughout the Invocations of Grace session. You will still benefit from the process. It is not unusual to drift off during any transformative session; this may be when most of the transformation is actually occurring.

Will I be able to hear the other participants on the call in the Invocations of Grace session?

Initially, you can hear everyone as they announce their arrival to the call by saying their first name and location. The facilitator will give a brief welcome and introduction before muting all the participant's phones. Once the phones are muted, the participants will be able to hear the guided session without the distraction of any other sounds.

Is this Invocations of Grace session similar to a regular in-person session?

The teleconference session is similar to an in-person session and is patterned after intuitively guided sessions which occur in my practice. It is also very similar to individual phone sessions which are intuitively guided. In a teleconference setting, though, each caller independently tailors the session to meet their own personal needs.

What should I do if I get disconnected during the Invocations of Grace call?

>If for any reason you get disconnected from the Invocations of Grace call, simply hang up and call back again; entering the access code when prompted.

Will I disturb the session when I re-join the call, if I've been disconnected?

It will not disturb the call when you return; however there will be a short tone signaling that someone has joined the call.

What can I expect to happen during the Invocations of Grace session?

Invoking Grace into your life is literally asking the Divine to support you; to grace you and to bless you with Divine Love and Divine Light. When we are filled with grace from the Divine; we have more energy and support for whatever we desire to create in our lives.

In the Invocations of Grace session we are asking for the Grace of the Divine to be felt and to be directed into certain areas of our lives which need transforming. By tapping into that limitless Divine flow of energy; we remember how to ask for support from the Universe and we experience the transformative effect it has on our being. Combining this process with your imagination creates a personal transformative experience which connects one deeper to the truth of who you are.

You can focus this grace of the Divine into any area of your life or into any level of your being; physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.


Initially, we focus on releasing tension held in the body, by breathing into and through any tight or painful areas of the body.


Next, we establish the intention to stay in the body during the Invocations of Grace session, by grounding to the Earth's energy.


We then invite light into our body, mind and spirit as a reminder of our connection to the Divine.


We acknowledge any resistance we hold towards releasing, receiving and transforming.


Each individual determines which area(s) to focus on for transformation.


Breathing and visualization techniques are employed individually to personally transform the selected areas of focus.


Further transformation is encouraged by use of the cellular transformation techniques and the release of negative beliefs about the self.


Completing the session, by invoking Grace into your body, mind and spirit to deepen the lasting transformative effect of the session.

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